Sunday, December 30, 2012

Landon celebrates SEVEN!

Since Landon's birthday falls at the start of Christmas break, Life is just one big party!
Landon had the option of having a birthday party somewhere with his friends, but he decided to have his friend spend the night just like last year! Win for Mom!
Nathan spent the night and they played and played! We also made cookies and watched movies.
The next day we went to the movies and saw Wreck it Ralph, which was so cute!

On your real birthday, we started the day by opening your gifts from Mom and Dad!

You got a set of slap bracelet watches that you wanted and a new shotgun. 

You were so excited! Dad went over gun safety again and then showed you how to shoot it. It was a little louder and more powerful than Mom realized!

We had a birthday breakfast and spent the rest of the morning hang out around the house.
Later that afternoon we went to Chuckie Cheese with Dailey, Sydney and Gammie. 

That night we had Mimmie and Gammie over for dinner. Landon picked Brad's bbq and it was so good!

Your opened your gifts!

You got everything on your birthday wish list!

Landon, We can't believe you are seven years old! It just seems like it was last Christmas Eve that we were bringing you home from the hospital! You are such a blessing to our family with your funny sense of humor and sweet heart! We love you so much!

We ened the night with your birthday spankings! Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Allie Ruth's Christmas program

Allie Ruth had her Christmas Program and it was so cute!
She is not feeling great, though. She has had a stomach bug and now is battling a cold.

Landon visited with Ms. Nellie, who he still calls Ms. Mellie!

Allie Ruth's class sang "Silent Night" and did a great job!
She has been singing around the house for a month. She did a good job with those hard words. I loved it when she would say "second verse" just like the teachers!

After the program we went to eat Mexican and look at Christmas lights!
It was a great holiday night!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas in Dixie!

 We went to the River to have Christmas with Uncle Bub! Just like last year, it was a lot of fun with great food!

Allie Ruth was feeling a little under the weather and it got passed on to Mom...

Landon and Mimmie made some great treats...

and we even had snow!

The kids loved their gifts! They love the crayon maker!
Oh, and the microphone that Allie Ruth keeps singing into:  Howll-a-moon-ya! Howll-a-moon-ya! 
Meaning Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

Thanks Uncle Bub! The food was delish and the kids love you!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Weekend Fun, Christmas style!

This weekend was full of Holiday fun! The boys went to the cabin and Allie Ruth and I joined them later on Friday night. They had a big surprise for us. Kelly decorated the outside of the cabin with colored lights and Landon decorated a tree all by himself!

It looks beautiful! Landon did a great job! The kids got their star on top of the tree!

It rained a lot but we did go to town to do a little christmas shopping. We also discovered a new park! Just when I thought I knew about all the town of Parsons!

We also made salt dough ornaments!

Both kids gagged at the smell of the dough, but had a lot of fun squishing it around!

We may or may not have had to use a wine bottle for a rolling pin!

We made a special one for Lucy Girl to remember her first Christmas with us!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

He's baaaccckk!

Our good friend the Elf arrived back at our house last night! The kids were so excited. He was waiting on us at the front door with a note from Santa. Landon read the note to Allie Ruth. They could not believe that Santa remembered seeing them on Sunday at the Enchanted Forest! 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Its Christmas Time!

 I can't believe the holidays are here again! Last year was so much fun and it makes me excited to start our family traditions and maybe add some new ones!

Landon and Allie Ruth helped me set up and decorate the tree. Landon cracks me up!

Rue thought the tree skirt made the perfect skirt for twirling!

We are starting to get a collection of ornaments the kids have made!
The kids can't understand why we don't have a star at the top of our tree! 

We love to sing and dance with this rockin Santa!

We visited the Enchanted Forest with Mimmie, a favorite tradition!

I have been going since I was a kid and it never gets old. Landon enjoyed the scavenger hunt and Allie Ruth could not wait to see Santa. 

I  can't believe how big Landon looks in this picture!

Another favorite tradition is the Museum gift shop. Its serious business picking out  what toy you want Mimmie to buy!
Then we enjoyed some hot chocolate!