Wednesday, May 30, 2012

End of the school year wrap up...

The school year ended in a blur...
We were very busy with end of the year festivities, T Ball, and Memphis in May BBQ Fest. 

Landon did not make it to his "real"last day of Kindergarten, so he made a video for his teacher and all his lighting bug friends. It was cute and his teacher made a video back to him and one to Allie Ruth.

Landon said his top three favorite things about his first school year was: Gym, May Day, and Field Trips! All boy answers! 

This sweet, little beauty decide to give up her paci! I am so proud of her and amazed at how it happened just like that! She randomly asked to cut the tip off and has not looked back!

Good bye month of May!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Landon's big day!

My baby graduated from Kindergarten! I really can't believe his first year of school is coming to a close. 

He had a program at school on the stage and received a certificate from the principal. The program was really cute! The class sang about what all they had learned during the year. They sang "You're a Grand Ole Flag", "This Little Light of Mine" and another song about the year being done! 

Landon had a speaking part..." We learned a lot at school this year, like when to talk and not, shhh, We learned how to read and write and brother, Thats A LOT!" 

Landon got to chose whether he wanted Allie Ruth to come to the program. Of course, he said he wanted her to come. She was glued to the stage watching him and all the kids!

She was so proud of him! She ran up to him and gave him a big hug! She also sang "This Little Light of Mine" all day! Mimmie and Ms. Barbara gave you some money for your graduation and Dad and I gave you a yearbook! 

After the program, was a little reception with snacks and drinks. 

Mrs. Lavelle was a great teacher! We love her so much!

After the program, its tradition to check your kids out for the day! We met up with some of Landon's class at the park and spent the rest of the morning playing!

Allie Ruth fit right in with all Landon's friends!

Landon, We are so proud of you! You have done a great job this year in Kindergarten. Your Dad and I are amazed at all you have learned and accomplished! I have really loved having you at school with me! I will miss our hallway hugs, hopefully you won't be too big for those in first grade! Congratulations Landon! Keep up the hard work! We love you, Mom, Dad and Allie Ruth

A day for Moms...

I am so blessed to be a Mom. My kids are pretty much my life!

We enjoyed a misty, wet morning in Meme's backyard for breakfast.

The kids and I went to my Mom's house to treat her to her special gifts. 

Then back home for a great afternoon nap.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Weekend Fun!

We started the weekend off with a morning Tee ball game! 

Then we headed back home for a big surprise for the kids!

While we were are the game, Kelly had a water slide delivered and set up in the backyard! The kids were so surprised and excited!

The 2nd annual water slide day came a little earlier this summer!

Poor Allie Ruth, tried the best she could, but just could not make it up the slippery steps!

Sooo, I had to carry her up! What a work out for Mom! When we would finally get up there, she would act too scared to slide down, so she got a little loving nudge! 

Landon had so much fun sliding and Allie Ruth just decided to play in the pool part of the slide and love on Lucy!

Allie Ruth decided it was nap time for her and Lucy!

Later, some friends came over! Allie Ruth had someone to play with and Landon had someone to go down the slide with him.

On Sunday, we celebrated Meme's 86th birthday!
We had a yummy fish fry and all the family came over!

It was a FUN weekend!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Play ball!

Landon had his first ever T ball game! Awhile back I said that I signed him up for T ball. We have been practicing everyday in the yard or at the field. Landon is really loving it and learning a lot. Plus, Allie Ruth likes the playground and we love going out to eat afterwards!

My brown eyed boy was so excited and played really well!

Up to bat! He hit the ball both times on the first swing and the ball went into the outfield. You can only run one base at a time in T ball. The first time up to bat he ran to second base and had to go back to first base!

He was so proud to have Uncle Bub, Mimmie, and Uncle Buddy there to watch him!

We were really proud that he stayed focused and kept his head in the game! He was paying attention and not playing in the dirt!

Way to go #11!