Friday, February 11, 2011

Fauxtography Friday!

Lesson Two: ISO and Shutter Speed Part One:

ISO is a setting to determine how quickly the image will be captured. The higher the ISO, the quicker it will be captured. The lower the ISO, the longer it will take for the image to be captured. So, higher = quicker, Lower = slower. 

100, 200- good for outdoors or bright lights
400- good for in the shade, overcast outdoors, indoors with a lot of light
800, 1600- good indoors, low-light conditions, sports or action. 

The higher the ISO means more noise. Noise is not good. 

Shutter Speed is how quickly the shutter operates. Think of it like a door and your shutter speed controlling how fast of slow the door opens and closes. 

Use a tripod for SS that is slower than 1/50th of a second. Use a slow SS to portray a blurred subject or surroundings. If you are hand holding your camera, your SS should be at a minimum of 1/60th of a second. Hold your breath while taking the photo to help keep yourself still. If you or your subject is wiggly, increase your SS. Fast moving objects will need a faster SS, around 1/1000 or higher to freeze the action. 

Kitchen Sink Test:
Ok, looking back on these pictures, I failed at this! Mostly, I am going to blame an unnamed 5 year old that was  in my face while I was trying to do this:) I think I should get extra credit for using a wine glass, though!! I am glad this is just practice and I can see the mistakes.

SS 1/80 ISO 200
(my ISO should have been 400)

SS 1/200 ISO 100
( I am not sure how the ISO changed to 100, but should have been 400)

SS 5 ISO 100
Taken with a tripod
(again wrong ISO)

Now I switched my lens and went over to the park to use the fountain. 
( I was by myself:)

SS 1/80 ISO 200

SS 1/1000 ISO 200

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